Avoiding Complacency: 5 Actionable Steps

If you can push through those feelings that fuel complacency, you’re already ahead of 99% of your competition.

Welcome to The Perspective

In today’s edition:

  • The Dragging Effect of Complacency

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Complacency

  • The Benefits of Sustained Discipline

  • Weekly Assignment

  • Premium Newsletter Announcements

Quote of the day -

“I will not allow yesterday’s success to lull me into today’s complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure”

- Og Mandino

Mindset Challenge

The Dragging Effect of Complacency

Do you remember when you first started to pursue your goals?

That burning passion and drive that just wouldn’t stop.
You were absolutely OBSESSED… nothing could get in your way.

Well… a few months later, maybe your goals are taking longer than you expected.

Maybe your heart isn’t in it anymore.

Maybe you’re exhausted from aiming towards a singular objective day in and day out.

Or it’s none of those – maybe it’s the curse of mediocrity that’s diagnosed from the trap of success.

After being consistent, intentional, and driven, you finally reached some of your goals.

This is where most people let off the gas… they become complacent.

A bit lazier, more relaxed, and lacking the same discipline they once had.

Look, there’s a time and a place to enjoy what you’ve achieved.

But a life lived without goals ( no matter how big or small ) is a dull life.

There’s a reason why the most successful athletes, business-people and artists have achieved what most people haven’t.

yes it’s drive, yes it’s discipline, yes it’s consistency.

But past that, it's the ability to avoid complacency even after reaching your dream goals. 

The Solution

5 Ways to Avoid Complacency

1) Yesterday is done, today is a new day.

Creating a culture of excellence is about starting each day from scratch.

Not holding yesterday’s achievements as an excuse for today’s shortcomings.

Get 1% better everyday.

Getting 1% better means putting a purpose to each day.

Have daily goals that will push you towards your larger, long term goals.

2) Always working

In hockey we have a saying. “Train hard, recover harder”

Even on our days off, our mind is still aiming towards our goals.

Our actions align with our words.

Whether it’s sleeping right, making sure you eat right, or even taking that extra
20 minutes to stretch each night, every action is towards a certain goal.

This is the price of winning.

3) Process mindset

Focus on the process, not the outcome.

If you aren’t reaching your goals, adjust the process.

You can always adjust actions to get to your goals.

Figuring out a way to make progress.

But if you try to adjust your major goal all the time, you go nowhere.

The process is the formula that you compute over time to reach your goals.

You figure out how to be efficient, better, and smarter.

That is how success is made.

4) Your failures are lessons

Things don’t always go the way we expect or want.

But it’s not about how many times you get hit, it’s about how many times you get up.

Every “failure” is a way to learn and grow. So many people fail over and over and don’t adjust.

Learn, become a student of yourself.

You have to be obsessed with fixing your mistakes, learning how to be better.

5) Reset and recharge

Reaching your goals and avoiding complacency takes a different kind of work ethic.

Sometimes a work-life balance isn’t realistic when chasing your dreams.

But in order to avoid complacency you have to fit in time for hobbies, relaxation, and quality time with family and friends.

This helps you recharge and not become a person working on autopilot, lacking intention.

You don’t just want to show and and go through the motions, remember, create goals for each day. 

Sustaining Discipline

It’s pretty obvious, but imagine if you never tapered off, and if you worked as hard as you did on day 1… but every single day.

How far would you be in your journey if you pushed 110% each day?

Maybe a lot farther than you are now.

I know when I started working each day like it was do or die, I saw significant strides in my goals.

And a LOT faster than most people. Just through intention and discipline.

You have to understand that the days when you feel the most burned out are the days that you have to push through the most.

THAT is where growth occurs.

THAT is how you succeed.

I understand that feeling of pure exhaustion and burnout more than most people…

And that is when most people throw in the towel and give up.

If you can push through those feelings that fuel complacency, you’re already ahead of 99% of your competition.

Weekly Challenge

This week I challenge you to set small goals for each day that will propel you towards your bigger goals. No matter how big or small your long-term goals are, physical or not, create small goals for the day and hit those goals with intention.

Write them, do them, and watch yourself make LEAPS.

Make sure you include some time to reset and recharge.

If you have any questions about complacency just respond to this email.

Have a great week! See you in next week’s edition!

- Andrew

Premium Newsletter Launch 🚀 

I’m excited to announce that we will be launching our premium newsletter on January 27th, 2024.

Premium Features:
In-Depth Mindset Q&A Sessions with Successful Individuals
Success Stories
Deep Dives on Mindset Growth Strategies
More Exclusive Content

Sending Schedule:
Every Saturday at 10am PST


Sneak Peak:

The first edition will be sent out to everyone on January 23rd, 2024, in place of our normal Tuesday newsletter.


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