Rick Scott - The Constant Pursuit of Excellence

Welcome to Perspective Insider - Edition 1


In today’s edition:

  • Who is Rick Scott?

  • In Depth Q & A with Rick

  • 1 Piece of Advice for Reaching your Goals

  • Closing Thoughts

Who is Rick Scott?

Meet Rick Scott, a remarkable individual whose journey from a fourteen-year-old aspiring high school hockey player to a seasoned athlete is truly inspiring.

Rick is not just an athlete; he's a passionate advocate for a lifestyle centered around fitness, health, and peak performance.

With 45 years of dedication, Rick stands today as an elite athlete, known for his enduring passion in hockey and his past as a daily competing bicycle racer.

But he's more than that – Rick is also a distinguished peak performance coach.

He helps people, including Olympic athletes, professionals, the UCLA Ice Hockey team, busy executives, and everyday parents, achieve their optimal levels of fitness, boundless energy, and unparalleled health through workouts, nutrition, and mindset training.

Throughout his athletic journey, Rick has surrounded himself with top-notch training partners, pushing them to achieve extraordinary feats together.

His infectious enthusiasm, boundless heart, and relentless hustle empower those around him.

Beyond sports, Rick has made significant contributions to music, sports, entertainment, and health & wellness public relations with his own PR firm, GreatScott Productions.

He aligns his work with his core values by representing nonprofit organizations and plant-based brands. As a plant-based lifestyle advocate for over 33 years, Rick not only practices what he preaches but also shares his insights as a captivating storyteller.

He has written enlightening columns for publications like Switch4Good, UnchainedTV, and Vegan Magazine, addressing the unique challenges faced by vegan athletes.

In-Depth Q & A with Rick

Q. What drew you to your career choice? Was it planned, or did you just fall into it?

A.From the age of 16, the idea of a long-lasting career behind the scenes in music appealed to me.

PR was a discovery I made later in life, but writing became a passion during college.

Funny enough, my teacher in high school told me I was a terrible writer, and now I'm best known for it – a bit of sweet revenge.

I started in concert promotion, worked in London, and eventually moved to LA, where I founded my own PR firm.”

Q. Did you ever feel like you wanted to quit?

A. “I can’t say I wanted to quit. Yes, there were hard times, but I always knew quitting wasn't the solution.

I realized I had to start diversifying when I wasn't getting enough clients. So, after some work and learning, I got my first athlete 7 years later and I specialized with pro cyclists and triathlon athletes.

But you never know who's watching.

Hollywood Records assigned me an R&B group that initially seemed destined for obscurity, ranking just within the top 60.

Still, I worked my ass off and did a great job promoting them. Little did I know, they were under a vanity label managed by the legendary Bob Cavallo.

Bob, known for handling iconic names like Prince, Green Day, the GooGoo Dolls, and Earth Wind and Fire, took notice of my dedication and granted me the opportunity to represent Earth Wind and Fire.”

Q. How do you keep up with your busy schedule and stay consistent? Between coaching, PR, and being an athlete, did you progress to that level of dedication, or did you always have that drive?

A. “A combination of both, yes I progressed to that level, but that drive was always in me.

I remember a very pivotal moment in early 2001.

I was working at my desk and I started thinking about how I can sit there for hours on end and just be a complete workaholic.

There’s NOBODY that will tap me on my shoulder and say, “it’s okay, you can go workout, you can go for a bike ride.”

The whole day could go by, and all of a sudden you realize you didn’t take care of your health. Then tomorrow comes, and it can happen again.

Prioritize your health.”

Q. Why do you still work so hard?

A. “I love all of it. It’s my passion.

Constant and never-ending improvement is what I live by.

I don’t relate to the 28 year-old guy in the locker-room after hockey telling me he’s just trying to maintain… what the f**k is “maintain”?!?!

Despite being 58, I find myself a more skilled hockey player now than during my college years.

That’s because I’m always pushing myself to get better.

I became a Peak Performance Coach because I was always the first person people came to for advice on how to train, eat, and recover properly.

A significant turning point came with my ex-fiancée. In 2016, I was engaged to a two-time world champion gymnast.

Great! Right? I assumed we had a shared understanding of the demands of the entertainment and athletic industries. She gets it.

I knew her when she was 29, turning 30… but she was a world champion at 18.

She was doing just enough to maintain. Not trying to get better, or learn new skills and new tricks.

And I don’t relate to that at all.

Because I’m ALWAYS trying to find ways to improve and ways to get better.”

Q. Do you think that competitive drive came from sports, or instilled from your parents?

A. “I think both.

The company is called Great Scott Productions.

When I was 13 years old, my father gives me a bracelet, and the inscription read, “Dear Ricky, the greatest, love Dad”.

I realized right there…he set the bar.

So I’m on the pursuit of greatness.

I learned that there is no perfection, and perfection is not the goal.

But greatness is… excellence is, being outstanding is, and that requires effort every single day.

So how can I get better than I was yesterday, and be better tomorrow than I was today.”

Q. Have you ever struggled with complacency?

A. “Complacency?!?! There is no complacency, it doesn’t exist to me.

Because I’m always trying to improve.

I remember telling my ex-fiancé I wanted to gain 5 pounds of muscle.

5 pounds of muscle would help me dividends.

She turned and looked at me and said, “When is enough, enough?”

And again I just don’t relate to that.

Im better now than I was 5 years ago.

There is no such thing as complacency, because there’s no level where there isn’t room to get better. I can always improve.

Greatness is found in the little details. you’re looking to be 1% better than everyone else.

I’ve worked with a bunch of olympic athletes, and they all have that in common.

That’s why i’m a peak performance coach, and that’s what I try to teach people.

You get better a little bit at a time, and it doesn’t all happen at once, you don’t go to the gym once and you’re fit.

It’s the repetition of effort, day in and out.

Creating new goals, raising your standards.

What you do today won’t be good enough 3 years from now, the bar should be raised.”

Q. How do you maintain a work-life balance? What's your definition?

A.I've monetized my passions, and I'm blessed and grateful to be able to do that.

They are certain things that are non-negotiable’s in my life.

Too many people are just dabbling… and they're not all in.

Then as soon as they face adversity, they quit. Or they do something that's easier, there's nothing easy about this lifestyle.

Its supposed to be hard, work-life balance to me is the fact that I've monetized my passions.”

Q. How do you define success, and what kind of impact do you hope to leave in your industry or community? Or the world? 

A. “Defining success is a very difficult one.

One of my clients is making strives in his hockey career, he just made his debut in his first AHL game, that’s huge. Of course I’d call that success.

I think success is being able to do what I love.

There’s a lot of people who aren’t able to do that.

I know I’m looping back, but be passionate about whatever you do.

Do what’s going to make you WANT to work long nights and early mornings, holidays, and all the other sacrifices that are involved.

You better love it, doesn’t mean you’re going to love every element to it.

I want to leave some sort of legacy.

There’s literally a HUGE victory I was a part of last week.

South Korea is outlawing eating dog meat, and the fact that I was a part of that is a major impact I’ve now left the world.”

1 Piece of Advice for Reaching your Goals

“NET time.

No Extra Time.

So many people start to mindlessly scroll, or turn on a show and go on autopilot, and just zone out.

That time that you’re wasting in an opportunity for you to learn and grow.

Last year, I learned that the average CEO reads between 50 and 60 books per year. That’s at least 1 a week.

But the smartest ones are reading in areas of things they know nothing about.

You need to expose yourself to learning as much as you can. That’s where some of the best type of innovation and creativity is made… from learning about others.

Realize that there is so much time in your day to fit in learning.

I spend about an hour and a half each day dedicated to becoming more knowledgeable.

The only time I’ll touch my phone in the morning is to listen to a podcast or watch a seminar.

It’s so important to expose yourself to new things, especially now.

You don’t want to become irrelevant.

Invest in yourself. That’s not only learning, it’s exercising, surrounding yourself with a good crowd, and creating good habits for yourself.

Does the grind get lonely? Ya, it does.

But if you’re locked in, and you know what you want, you’ll achieve it. No matter how you feel.

You’re rewarded in public for what you do in private.”

Closing Thoughts

I hope everyone enjoyed the very first edition of Perspective Insider.

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- Andrew


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